Well, Christmas is fast approaching and us worship band guys are getting our fill of all the traditional tunes plus all the Lincoln Brewster and TSO greats… Here’s a little play through of the solo in Lincoln Brewster’s version of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. The AxeFX II Patch can be downloaded here (right click link and save as): Lincoln’s Plexi
Read MoreHere are some templates I’ve used for my MFC. Feel free to download, use and share. You may have to make the hole for the switch a tad bigger. I laminated the sheets, cut them out, and put a piece of double sided tape on them. If you want some high quality labels, check out http://www.kicktags.com/. Sukh is a stand up dude and will take care of you. Enjoy! AxeFX MFC-101 labels (small pdf) AxeFX MFC-101 labels (small psd)...
Read MoreLast year I decided to make some changes to the studio. Here’s a video that shows the process. It has made a huge impact in the sound in here. Mixing is much more natural and it is just a better all around place to hang!
Read MoreHere’s the last (probably) in a series of posts I made to another blog about managing projects. It turns out this one has some parallels with the music and fitness biz as well so I thought I would share it. You may have to translate the lingo a bit for your situation, but the message is there. Again it fits with my 6 week challenge of writing a song every week. If you need more reason to fail fast…check out the video...
Read MoreHere’s another post I made about defining done for a project. This goes along with my previous post where I talked about my challenge to myself about writing a song and recording it every week. My definition of done for that experiment was: Song was written with an intro, verse(s), chorus(s), and at least an outro. Bridges and solos were optional. Song had some decent orchestration. Guitar, bass, drums. Song was recorded at...
Read MoreHere’s a little post I wrote when I worked for the Medical School at the University of Michigan. The thing is, it completely fits for everything we do in life. Whether it is writing a tune, recording, managing household projects, or attaining your fitness goals. Enjoy. People think that they are that rare snowflake that can multitask. There is a mountain of research that proves otherwise. Our brains just aren’t made to deal...
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