Week 7 and 8…done…on to Phase III.

Posted By admin on Mar 3, 2009 | 0 comments

Weeks 7 and 8 went by without a hitch. This round seems like it is flying by. The six pack is back, and I’m feeling the love again.

Traditionally Core Synergistics in the Recovery week has been my nemesis, but I actually enjoy it now. Call me crazy.

I’m feeling really great about my core these days. Complete confidence.

I have week 9 Yoga tonight. Did week 9’s Plyo on Sunday and totally destroyed it…was great. Had a bad-ass Arms and Shoulder workout last night. It was one of those great ones where you don’t feel like doing it because you think you will be weak. Then you motivate and get it done anyway, and oh by the way increase weight or reps in every exercise. Now that is p90x.

Saturday was Back and Chest. Was a little gassed at the end, but still managed to better most every exercise.

Still doing all the advanced exercises on the ab ripper workout…well…I’m rambling. That’s it for this update.

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